Melanie Lissick, Autorin des britischen Design- und Heimwerker-Blogs „Melanie Lissick Interiors“, hat kürzlich ihre verschlechterte und dysfunktionale Terrasse mit Trex-Komposit-Terrassendielen umgestaltet. Nachdem sie jahrelang ihre Terrasse versteckt hatte, war sie bereit für eine Veränderung. Melanie entschied sich für Trex Transcend® Terrassendielen in Lava Rock und Trex® Signature Geländer in Bronze. Entdecken Sie unsere Galerie mit Designtipps von Melanie, die ihre Terrasse von zersplittert zu stilvollen Terrasse wandelten!
September 26, 2019
Find a decking material that is easy to clean. When I cleaned our old timber deck, half the rotted wood and deck stain came off with the water. With Trex Transcend® composite decking, dirt lifts off easily.
Use splinter-free decking. One of the great things about Trex Transcend® deck boards is that they are smooth and do not splinter, so I have no concerns with my four-year-old playing on the deck.
Opt for sustainable material and manageable upkeep. Trex is the perfect product for the time-poor homeowner who would prefer to invest in sustainable materials for their home.
Install railings built to last. Trex Signature® Railing is a powder-coated aluminium railing system with near-zero maintenance. I chose Trex Signature® railing in bronze to keep the color of the deck and railings all the same.
Try using color-match plugs for any part of the deck that requires screw holes in the deck. These tiny nuggets have the same grain and color of the board being laid, so you do not notice that there were any drill holes made in the first place.
Find a decking material that is easy to clean. When I cleaned our old timber deck, half the rotted wood and deck stain came off with the water. With Trex Transcend® composite decking, dirt lifts off easily.
Use splinter-free decking. One of the great things about Trex Transcend® deck boards is that they are smooth and do not splinter, so I have no concerns with my four-year-old playing on the deck.
Opt for sustainable material and manageable upkeep. Trex is the perfect product for the time-poor homeowner who would prefer to invest in sustainable materials for their home.
Install railings built to last. Trex Signature® Railing is a powder-coated aluminium railing system with near-zero maintenance. I chose Trex Signature® railing in bronze to keep the color of the deck and railings all the same.
Try using color-match plugs for any part of the deck that requires screw holes in the deck. These tiny nuggets have the same grain and color of the board being laid, so you do not notice that there were any drill holes made in the first place.
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